![tentang ESP](https://einsteinscienceproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/tentang-ESP.jpg)
Tentang Einstein Science Project
![tentang einstein science project (ESP)](https://einsteinscienceproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/KFN0879_11zon-e1716279986905.webp)
PT Edukasi Gunarita Abadi atau dikenal dengan brand Einstein Science Project berdiri sejak April 2020. Einstein Science Project menawarkan pengalaman eksperimen sains secara hands-on learning dengan cara yang interaktif dan menyenangkan untuk anak usia 3-14 Tahun. Kami berfokus pada pembelajaran sains melalui praktik dengan tujuan memudahkan anak dalam memahami ilmu sains.
Materi eksperimen dirancang dan dipersiapkan secara matang untuk mendukung pembelajaran sains dimana anak melakukan berbagai jenis percobaan sains yang sesuai dengan Kurikulum Nasional. Bagian yang paling menyenangkan dalam proses belajar di Einstein Science Project adalah keterlibatan aktif siswa dalam bereksperimen sains yang membuatnya seperti layaknya Ilmuwan cilik.
Profil Pelajar Pancasila merupakan karakter yang diharapkan dimiliki oleh pelajar Indonesia. Kurikulum Merdeka yang saat ini sedang diberlakukan, menjadi implementasi dari P5 (Projek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila). Dalam aplikasinya, P5 menggunakan pendekatan Project Based Learning (Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek) yang sejalan dengan metode belajar di Einstein Science Project.
![tentang einstein science project (ESP)](https://einsteinscienceproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/KFN1083_11zon.webp)
Saat ini, sudah ratusan Sekolah dan Perusahaan yang bekerja sama dengan Einstein Science Project dalam menyelenggarakan kegiatan bertemakan sains. Pembelajaran berbasis proyek atau dikenal sebagai Project Based Learning, saat ini tengah didorong oleh Pemerintah karena memiliki keunggulan lebih relevan dan interaktif. Pembelajaran melalui kegiatan berbasis proyek memberi kesempatan yang lebih luas kepada peserta didik untuk terus secara aktif mengeksplorasi isu-isu aktual
Einstein Science Project memiliki learning center / laboratorium dimana anak-anak dapat melakukan eksperimen sains yang seru, menantang dan menyenangkan yang dipandu dan diajarkan langsung secara private/grup oleh fasilitator kompeten yang merupakan lulusan di bidang Pendidikan dan Sains.
Anak-anak akan diajak merasakan pengalaman menjadi ilmuwan dan bereksperimen di laboratorium sains modern. Anak-anak juga dapat mengeksplor alat-alat peraga dan peralatan laboratorium yang dibuat khusus untuk anak.
![Tentang Einstein Science Project](https://einsteinscienceproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/WhatsApp-Image-2021-08-10-at-9.57.15-AM.webp)
About Einstein Science Project
![tentang einstein science project (ESP)](https://einsteinscienceproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/KFN0879_11zon-e1716279986905.webp)
We offers a hands-on learning experience through interactive and enjoyable science experiments for children aged 3-14 years old. Focusing on science learning through practice with the aim of making it easier for children to understand scientific concepts.
Our experimental materials are designed and prepared meticulously to support science learning where children engage in various types of scientific experiments that align with the National Curriculum. The most enjoyable part of the learning process at the Einstein Science Project is the active involvement of students in scientific experimentation, making them feel like little scientists.
![tentang einstein science project (ESP)](https://einsteinscienceproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/KFN1083_11zon.webp)
Currently, hundreds of schools and companies collaborate with us to organize science-themed activities. Project-based learning, also known as Project-Based Learning, is currently being encouraged by the government because it offers the advantage of being more relevant and interactive. Learning through project-based activities provides a broader opportunity for learners to actively explore current issues.
We have a learning center/laboratory where children can engage in exciting, challenging, and enjoyable science experiments guided and taught directly in private/group sessions by competent facilitators who are graduates in the fields of Education and Science.
Children will be invited to experience being scientists and conducting experiments in a modern science laboratory. They can also explore demonstration tools and laboratory equipment specially designed for children.
![TAGLINE ESP](https://einsteinscienceproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/TAGLINE-ESP-1024x170.png)
![Tentang Einstein Science Project](https://einsteinscienceproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/WhatsApp-Image-2021-08-10-at-9.57.15-AM.webp)
About Einstein Science Project
![tentang einstein science project (ESP)](https://einsteinscienceproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/KFN0879_11zon-e1716279986905.webp)
We offers a hands-on learning experience through interactive and enjoyable science experiments for children aged 3-14 years old. Focusing on science learning through practice with the aim of making it easier for children to understand scientific concepts.
![tentang einstein science project (ESP)](https://einsteinscienceproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/KFN1083_11zon.webp)
Our experimental materials are designed and prepared meticulously to support science learning where children engage in various types of scientific experiments that align with the National Curriculum. The most enjoyable part of the learning process at the Einstein Science Project is the active involvement of students in scientific experimentation, making them feel like little scientists.
Currently, hundreds of schools and companies collaborate with us to organize science-themed activities. Project-based learning, also known as Project-Based Learning, is currently being encouraged by the government because it offers the advantage of being more relevant and interactive. Learning through project-based activities provides a broader opportunity for learners to actively explore current issues.
We have a learning center/laboratory where children can engage in exciting, challenging, and enjoyable science experiments guided and taught directly in private/group sessions by competent facilitators who are graduates in the fields of Education and Science.
Children will be invited to experience being scientists and conducting experiments in a modern science laboratory. They can also explore demonstration tools and laboratory equipment specially designed for children.
![TAGLINE ESP](https://einsteinscienceproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/TAGLINE-ESP-1024x170.png)